Friday, August 31, 2007

Royal Edict

One Sunday afternoon a few weeks ago, Beemer was sitting on a chair at the side of my bed singing a perfect rendition of "Give Said the Little Stream." I was a bit surprised as I haven't really sang it with her and realized she must have learned the song in nursery that week. So, I told her it was beautiful and asked if she would go sing it to her dad. She said, "Not right now, because this is my kingdom (indicating the room), and this is my home (indicating the chair she was sitting on) and I am singing here right now." Who can argue with such wisdom?


Ahenobarbus Textor said...

What an amazingly cute and presumptuous (she presumes correctly, of course) little scamp of a princess. I claim the privilege of priming her with a foreknowledge of the song before sending her off to learn it properly in nusery!

WildBound said...

Oh, that is awesome.

Wildman said...

And to think you are going to have another one just like that. I'm so happy...

Desertbound said...

Love that Beemer. Love the song and love the book.

CowboyBob said...

She kinda melts me.