Saturday, June 28, 2008

One of THOSE Days

Friday started off like a normal day... and then something changed. That afternoon when I went down to change the laundry in the washer to the dryer, I found the washer off and indicating that it had finished, but still full of hot, soapy water. After attempting to restart it without success and deliberating what to do for a few flustered minutes, I called my sisters, who suggested asking a neighbor to use their washer just to rinse off my clothes. Why I didn't think of that I don't know, but I am going to blame it on lack of sleep.

So, before knocking on my neighbor's door, I ran in my apartment to check on my girls. I had left Audi asleep in her bed and Beemer watching a movie on the couch. I came back to find the TV off and Beemer in Audi's bed (taking pictures of my now-awake baby). After getting Beemer out of the bedroom and soothing Audi (crossing my fingers she would go back to sleep), I attempted to restart Beemer's movie, but the TV remote wouldn't work. So, I started the movie manually, thinking I would change the batteries in the remote later. Then to take a breath for a minute and because I was waiting for a message from Ahenobarbus, I decided to check my email. I sat down at the computer only to find that the mouse wasn't working either.

At that point I began to think that all things electrical were working against me. I checked the mouse connections on the computer, chewing out Phil the whole time, thinking he had stepped on something, because he was sleeping behind the computer. I restarted the computer too, nothing helped.

Then, I picked up the mouse and found STAMPS! Yes, postage stamps covering the bottom of our optical mouse. When I asked Beemer about it, she said she'd put them on to cover the light. That was when the laughter started. I then checked the remote - both batteries were in, but they were in exactly backwards. Again, thanks to help from my three year old. Once I fixed the batteries, the remote was great.

And then the washer - I went back down to check it one more time before bothering my neighbors, attempted to start it, and it worked! I was able to finish that load and a few more that day. We'll see how much longer it lasts. I can't be too upset for two reasons:
1- We've had the washer and dryer for six or seven years (we can't remember) and they were Ahenobarbus' parents before that. We have all gotten our use out of them!
2- Today, Ahenobarbus went to help our friends move. Their new apartment has a washer and dryer, so they didn't need theirs anymore, and gave them to us. We were able to call our new landlords (more on our move later) and they let us move the new washer and dryer in today!!

So, all's well that ends well, but for a bit yesterday, I was wondering it I had blown a fuse, or if my apartment had!


The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

What a crazy day! Beemer sounds like such a good helper, teehee. :) And here's to a happy, longer life of your washer!

Ahenobarbus Textor said...

My question is this: where did Beemer put the stamps on the washer when you weren't looking? j/k.

What a day.

The Cooks said...

Dang these are the days I wish we could be there. Madison to play with Beemer, me to play with you and hold the baby, and Steve and Danny to fix the washer. Great stories though and good job laughing instead of crying. At least you know she is a dang smart girl. AND P.S. Moving??

WildBound said...

Sweet! I too, was wondering where the stamps were going to be on the washer, and howshe got them there....teehee

Unknown said...

Oh, I love days like that. Well, as long as it ends with chocolate.