Monday, June 11, 2007

Here Come the Dinosaurs

On my last day of work (6/1/07) my nephews left me adorable voicemail messages telling me how excited they were for me to "be done" and asking for me to "go to the Dinosaur park soon." So yesterday, most of my family did just that! The kids had a great time exploring and checking out the dinosaurs.

We even found the Maiasaura (Beemer's middle name is Maia) that her cousin was so anxious for her to see! Here she is next to the dino's name plaque and standing by the dinosaur she is apparently named after!


WildBound said...

WELCOME! I'm so excited to have you on the blogwagon!

Ahenobarbus Textor said...

The maiasaur is one of my favorite hadrosaurs - or, at least, it would be if I had favorites. I like how the bottom pic makes it look like Beemer's being protected by it.