Friday, June 26, 2009

Missouri Botanical Gardens

One of my favorite discoveries of this last year (thanks Ashley and Mindy) is the Missouri Botanical Gardens. I LOVE to go and wander around. There are even some gardens that I can stand in and close my eyes and it feels (just a little bit) like I am back in the mountains!

So, now every visitor that comes has to visit the gardens with us! We took Ahenobarbus' family there on a beautiful Saturday morning we (by "we" I mean his sister, Kate) took tons of fabulous pictures. I picked a few of my favorites to share. If you want to see more, you'll just have to visit! I know one of two of you who will feel the draw to St. Louis increase as you see these and you should know that you and your cameras are welcome ANY time!

(Ok, so I took this last one, but the rest were all Kate. Isn't she fabulous?)


Spring said...

I love the pictures of the gardens. I love flowers and plants and like to go to different gardens. If I am ever there that garden looks like it is amazing.

Rachel said...

when we get there again, hopefully you will still be there.... I so wish we could have seen you when we came. But I love the Gardens too!

WildBound said...!

Kristin said...

I was at these gardens almost exactly four years ago for my brother-in-law's wedding. The wedding wasn't there, but we did visit the gardens. Beautiful.

Wish you could be in Utah this week----Spring, Heather, Jamie, and I are getting together. I'm really excited. I'm sure you'll see updates on our blogs. . . :)

Hope you're enjoying your summer.

CowboyBob said...

I bring Dreampacker, she brings the camera. Beautiful gardens and pictures.