Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Audi's First Tag

Nicknames: Audi - this one mostly came about because her sister is nicknamed Beemer, and well, Audi is another car.

Favorite activities: Eating, sleeping, playing with Beemer, being held.

Favorite foods: So far she like everything I have given her, oh wait except for that green jello at Aunt Amy's.

Least favorite foods: I guess green jello.

Favorite music: Her lullaby - I Don't Want to Live on the Moon.

Favorite toys: Stuffed green frog from Aunt Jodie and her binki strap (not the binki, just the strap)

Favorite book: She hasn't really shown a preference for any one book yet, but she LOVES to be read to.

Favorite item of clothing: She doesn't care, but she always looks ADORABLE (thanks again to her aunts).

What makes her happy: Mom holding her, Beemer (Audi thinks she is HILARIOUS).

What makes her sad: When she wants to be held (and no one picks her up).

Audi Tags:
Madison (once her Mom catches up from August)


The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

What an adorable picture!! I love her name.